Friday, January 27, 2012

First Energy To Close Six Coal-Fired Plants Due To EPA Regulations

This is an outrage. Almost a year ago, Lisa Jackson signed a memo of understanding between the EPA and the United Nations Environmental Program which commits EPA to, among other things, create a "green economy" (whatever that is) and promote "national governance" (socialism). This is an outrage! I agree with everything Karen says below. Each Republican senator and representative and our four Presidential candidates must get this letter and attachments. Tell them you want them to sign it and speak out against UN Agenda 21 and specifically this regulatory agency's unholy contract with the globalists to destroy the US.

Shelly Kennedy Cummins

Bayshore TEA Party
AgEnders NJ
Twitter  @AgEndersNJ    @Bayshore_TParty
(917) 282-7491

--- On Thu, 1/26/12, karen <> wrote:

From: karen <>
Subject: First Energy To Close Six Coal-Fired Plants Due To EPA Regulations
Date: Thursday, January 26, 2012, 9:04 PM

Marco, Jeff, Steve:
There are no words to describe the stupidity of this move. You were hired by We The People to protect the Constitution and We The People.
Lack of Energy is a national security issue as you allow this POTUS to destroy our country and gut our armed services so we depend more on fuel from the ME, our ENEMY.

Between Keystone which he stopped so his buddy Warren Buffet could benefit
US giving $2 Billion to Brazil for Soros and then giving the oil to China
selling US Coal to China
Iran closing the St of Hormuse
giving 50,000 tons of wheat to Jordan
blowing our dams so we don't have food
Ethanol subsides so food cost more and engines work less
the Navy buying bio-diesel at $15 a gallon
HAMAS through CAIR indoctrinating the kids.
the EPA partnering with the UN forcing regulations on the people.
signing the NDAA so the army can pick us up as we are called terrorists.
the schools requiring a RTTT National Data Base where the children WILL report on their parent.
censoring meteorologists who disagree with man made global warming.

Where is the House Committee on un American Activities?
I guess Soros is right, riots, financial collapse, riots, martial law, riots, famine, riots, NO ELECTION= DICTATOR OBAMA

This man is a criminal and you are giving him credibility.
His administration is corrupt. YOU DO NOTHING. he is stealing, you do nothing.

Will you sign the RNC Resolution??? Although at the rate we are going there will be no country left.
If you do nothing I will guarantee, your children will be serfs living in their government issue sustainable apartment.

Not to speak is to speak, not to act is to act.

Karen Schoen

Breaking News from EPA Abuse: FirstEnergy To Close Six Coal-Fired Plants Due To EPA Regulations
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FirstEnergy To Close Six Coal-Fired Plants Due To EPA Regulations

Jan 26, 2012 09:11 am | Frank York

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson must be as pleased as punch. Her monster agency and its irrational rules are having their intended impact on the fossil fuel industry. Jackson and Obama have made it clear they want to destroy the coal industry and they’re being wildly successful at it. The latest to fall victim to EPA [...]

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Video: Kentucky Congressman Attacks EPA Coal Plant Regulations

Jan 26, 2012 09:07 am | Videos

Kentucky Republican Ed Whitfield, who chairs the House Subcommittee on Energy and Power is outraged by newly proposed EPA coal plant  regulations.


Watch the Video and Comment: Kentucky Congressman Attacks EPA Coal Plant Regulations

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U.N. Climate Change Activists Switch Terms – Once Again

Jan 26, 2012 08:52 am | Breaking News

The globalists who are running the upcoming U.N. climate change conference in Rio this June have decided – once again – to switchtch terminology to hide their one-world agenda. What used to be called “global warmingâ€� was changed in recent years to “climate change.â€� Now, in the wake of the Climategate email scandal, the term [...]

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Soros Front ‘Media Matters’ Coordinates With Capitol Hill Liberals On Keystone XL Attacks

Jan 26, 2012 08:41 am | Breaking News

Media Matters, the sleazy leftist front group funded by George Soros is at it again. Its primary purpose is to smear conservatives and Fox News, but this time it was caught coordinating strategies with Democrats on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee. Michelle Malkin posted an expose on it yesterday. In her report, she [...]

Read More and Comment: Soros Front ‘Media Matters’ Coordinates With Capitol Hill Liberals On Keystone XL Attacks

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