Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Re: [Peninsula-Patriots] Proposed Iowa Republican Committee platform

While I agree with many of the proposals, I find a lot of the wording peculiar.  This appears to be a libertarian/anarchist tract rather than a legitimate state GOP platform.  I cite the following:
  • Bullet 3 -- "... the GOP apparently believes Agenda 21 is part of..." -- Apparently?
  • Bullet 5 -- "...that hasn't stopped the conspiracy theorists." -- Conspiracy theorists? nd just who are these theorists?  It ain't a theory.
  • Bullet 6 -- "Oppose so-called world government" -- nothing "so-called about it"
  • Bullet 7 -- I'd be wary of tossing it all out.  There are some facets we actually need, like someone to assure our drugs and food additives are safe.  Late in the 19th century, for example, it was common for confectioners to add small quantities of lead compounds as a sweetener.  And much as I am against most of what the EPA has foisted on us in the last couple decades, we do need some means of keeping our waterways from becoming sewers, as they once were.  I'd rather see drastic reform, bringing them back to what are legitimate functions, than wholesale elimination for most of the agencies
  • Bullet 8 -- Before we eliminate the IRS, I would like to see a replacement plan for collecting revenue.  I don't see one here. Remember, it isn't the IRS that is the villain; they are only doing what our Congress has directed them to do.  Focus on the real problem.
  • Bullet 9 -- Not sure what this one actually means, and "...embraced by the radical right"?  What radical right is being referenced here?
  • Bullet 14 -- I would oppose this one.  Without compulsory school requirement we would end up with a lot of kids growing up with no education.  That was why the law was passed in the first place,.  That said, I believe a radical change is needed in the way our kids are schooled -- De-liberalize public education; go to a voucher system; expand charter schools, encourage legitimate home schooling.
  • Bullet 15 -- I oppose this one as well.   Don't eliminate OSHA but reform it so it protects worker safety in a logical and reasonable manner.
  • Bullet 20 is a repeat of Bullet 18.  Not proofed
  • Bullet 24 repeats Bullet 21.  Again, not proofed.
I think this is a hoax put out as someone's own vision of what should be done, not a state GOP platform.

My 2 cents,

On Tue, Jun 19, 2012 at 8:13 AM, DeWitt Edwards <> wrote:
Take a look at the proposed platform of the Iowa Republican Party. I would like to see Virginia adopt the same.

  • Require candidates for president to prove that they are "natural born citizens," beginning with the 2012 election. After all, non-citizens serving as president have been a longstanding problem in American politics.
  • Reject the "claims" of global warming, which are "based on fraudulent, inaccurate information" and pushed by people using "extremist scare tactics." The Iowa GOP "recognizes" that policies and laws designed to combat global warming are really "a plan to take our freedoms and liberties away."
  • Oppose "the diabolical collusion of the United Nations" in promoting its Agenda 21, a non-binding global sustainability plan signed by President George H.W. Bush and the leaders of 177 other nations in 1992. Like the Republican National Committee, the Iowa GOP apparently believes Agenda 21 is part of an effort to impose global political control on the U.S.
  • Eliminate the Federal Reserve Act and implement a "sound commodity-backed currency" with a gold or silver standard.
  • Fight the North American Union, "which would do away with our borders and sovereignty, and … [battle] the Amero, which would do away with our currency." Although there actually are no secret plans to merge Mexico, the United States and Canada into a single entity — and replace our dollars with "Ameros" — that hasn't stopped the conspiracy theorists.
  • In the same vein, "oppose so-called 'World Government.'"
  • Entirely eliminate the departments of Agriculture, Education, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, Health and Human Services, Energy, Interior, Labor and Commerce, along with the Transportation Safety Administration, the Food and Drug Administration, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, the Environmental Protection Agency, the National Endowment for the Arts, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
  • Likewise, abolish the Internal Revenue Service and repeal the 16th Amendment, which legalized the federal income tax.
  • Require judges to instruct jurors that in addition to judging cases, they may pass on the law at issue. Commonly known as "jury nullification," this is a highly controversial notion that is embraced by the radical right.
  • Pass a "stand your ground" law, like the one that many believe led to the death of Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Fla. By a large margin, most prosecutors and police oppose such laws, which make prosecuting many killings difficult.
  • Allow parents to refuse to have their children immunized.
  • Reject the teaching of multiculturalism.
  • Only teach evolution as a theory, along with creationism.
  • Repeal compulsory school attendance laws.
  • Eliminate the federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, which oversees job safety.
  • Repeal smoking bans because, as the platform statement asserts, "We believe this to be an issue of liberty." Air quality in all businesses should be left up to owners' "freedom to choose."
  • Repeal all hate crime laws.
  • Oppose the imposition Shariah, or Islamic religious law, in the United States, along with any other foreign or "United Nations Law."
  • Build a fence along the entire U.S. border with Mexico.
  • Oppose abortion and reject the Supreme Court's decision authorizing it.
  • Build a fence along the entire U.S. border with Mexico.
  • End minimum wage laws.
  • Oppose abortion and reject the Supreme Court's decision authorizing it. Encourage adoption and aid to unwed mothers — but only if every dollar of support comes from the private sector.
  • End subsidies to agriculture.
    DeWitt Edwards 
    "The time is near at hand which must determine whether Americans are to be free men or slaves." ~ George Washington"

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