Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Come join me at Allen / Kaine Debate Protest on Virginia Tea Party Patriots

Scott Cooper
Scott Cooper has invited you to the event 'Allen / Kaine Debate Protest' on Virginia Tea Party Patriots!
Check out "Allen / Kaine Debate Protest" on Virginia Tea Party Patriots

Scott Cooper

Allen / Kaine Debate Protest Time: December 7, 2011 from 12:30pm to 2pm
Location: In front of Capitol on Bank Street between 9th and 10th Street
Organized By: Rick Buchanan

Event Description:
We are protesting this establishment debate, which is being conducted prior, the conclusion of the primary season for two reasons:

It excludes primary candidates from both sides of the aisle. We firmly believe that this hinders the democratic process and the selection of good candidates.  The establishment candidates, Tim Kaine and George Allen are both ok with this format because they are eliminating the good ideas that are challenging them from the grassroots within their parties. 
This debate also demonstrates that the Main Stream Media is behind deciding who our candidates should be.

Our plan is to demonstrate on the public sidewalk at the foot of the Capitol on Bank Street between 9th and 10th Street. The debate is from 1:30 to 3:00. We would like to have everyone show up at 12:30.
Here are a few thoughts to remember about George Allen:

1) George Allen voted 4 times to raise the debt ceiling, increasing it by 50% and adding $3.1 Trillion to the national debt.
2)  Virginia General Fund spending increased by 45.6% while George Allen was Governor.
3) While in the U.S. Senate George Allen voted for the costly No Child Left Behind and the Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit. Now he opposes them.
4)  George Allen also flip-flopped on ethanol, sugar and farm subsidies. After all this flip flopping George Allen now agrees with the Tea Party?....Coincidence? 
5) George Allen owns a Lobbying firm and thinks it's OK for Lobbyists to give gifts to Congress and wants no transparency which might expose bribes to congress. But then, maybe he has changed his mind on this too.
6) George Allen thinks tax subsidies are Ok for companies that move jobs overseas.
7) George Allen never met an earmark he didn't like. He voted for 40,000 including the Iowa indoor rain forest and is on record for multiple  flip flops on the bridge to nowhere.
8)  George Allen supports UN Agenda 21, a plan for global governance which destroys property rights. He sponsored national heritage area legislation giving environmentalists and a handful of wealthy landowner's extraordinary use over private landowners.
9)  George Allen took money from Freddie Mac concurrent to his refusing to push for government sponsored enterprise (GSE) reform.
10) George Allen voted for Clinton-Feinstein gun ban
11) George Allen voted to federalize the TSA

Signage Guidelines:

Everyone bring a sign.
Keep it positive, with as little usage of negativity as possible.
Focus on Issues and George Allen's record of voting against Tea Party Principles.

Please R.S.V.P., and share this information with your respective groups.  We need a large number of people to show up.  It would be helpful if after you have shared this with your groups, if you would comment back here, or let Rick Buchanan know how many people from your group plan on attending.
If you have any questions, please contact Rick Buchanan at 540-497-1554 or buchanancontracting@comcast.net.

See more details and RSVP on Virginia Tea Party Patriots:
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