Tuesday, April 19, 2016

To 375+ Patriots, .....Come to our CCPC meeting Tuesday 4/26, 630pm Room B - LaPrade Library

We will meet: .......................................SHARE THIS EMAIL .....................  

On 4/26 at 6:30PM in Room B of the LaPrade Library at 9000 Hull Street Rd, Richmond, VA 23236. 

The Chesterfield County Patriot Caucus is not a group but a meeting that will be held every month.

It is an opportunity for Patriots to meet and share information and solicit other patriots to 
help them with their particular project or concern.  "Govt must Always be Confined And Controlled."

There will be a moderator & you have the floor for 2-3 minutes to originally address your concern.
After all patriots have had their original speech, the floor will be open to more detailed discussion.

The idea is to have all items originally covered in one hour so those who wish to can go home after 
having their say.  If you have a question someone can answer it or talk with you about it later.

For the rest of us we will stay through the second hour for even more detailed discussion.

This is my plan but as you know most war-plans do not last through the first battle.


Some planned items of discussion are:

The GA cleared the way for camera companies to make $185 each time anyone passes a stopped school bus.
Impact of SB549 on our current revenue from cash proffers - How to get $6-9 million more each year.
Selection and salary of our new County Administrator.
Impact & damage of the new Sportsbacker's Billion$ Bikeways. ... The County spent $81,000 with Sportsbackers.
Our new "complete roads" policy better known as Agenda 21's "complete streets" policy of NOVA.
The concept of creating a "shadow govt." .... We have two districts covered.
The current planned county budget. - Why do they need 3% more than last year.

***Contact your Supervisor to see if they have any news they can share ..................

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