Saturday, December 24, 2016

Check out "President Obama's act of folly and betrayal of Israel" on Tea Party Command Center

National Dire…
Check out the discussion 'President Obama's act of folly and betrayal of Israel'
It looks like Obama is trying to throw Israel under the bus as he leaves office. Wait, no, he DID throw them under the bus!

Discussion posted by National Director, Dee:

President Obama yours was the unkindest abstention in the history of the US actions as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Co...

Discussion link:
President Obama's act of folly and betrayal of Israel

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  1. Perhaps you can explain to us why US Middle Eastern policy should continue to be held hostage to what Hitler did over 70 years ago?

  2. Meanwhile, I'll be you rightwingers are so-o-o-o proud of our new "First Lady."
