This month, the United Nations released a dire report on climate change and its impacts.
They found -- after incorporating thousands of scientists' climate research -- that the consequences of climate change are here now, and that they will be much worse and arrive more quickly than previously predicted.
As a scientist and clean energy entrepreneur, I've made getting our country on the right track towards clean energy my life's work, Robert -- and I can say this with 100% confidence:
Climate change is real, it's happening right now, and the time for baffling half-measures to address it is over. We have to tackle this problem, head-on.
This November, we have the chance to take a major step in the right direction, by electing members of Congress who will rise to the challenge and hold this administration accountable.
That means voting out elected officials who are climate change deniers -- like my opponent, Peter Roskam, in Illinois' 6th District. He called global warming "junk science" -- and last year, he voted against clean air, clean water, and a healthy environment 97 percent of the time.
But it also means supporting great candidates running all over the country, who will fight climate change before it's too late -- and stand up for us on this issue and so many others in Congress.
It's crunch time with only two weeks until Election Day, and we need your help right now. Find a campaign and sign up for a volunteer shift today:
Thank you!
Sean Casten
Candidate for Congress, IL-06
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