
LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Monday, April 14, 2014
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit LifeNews.com. |
Current Headlines
Top Stories
• Police Find Seven Dead Babies in Utah Home, Six Packed in Cardboard Boxes
• 547 Babies Saved From Abortion as 40 Days for Life Prayer Campaign Ends
• A Father Films His Daughter As She Grows From 0 Months To 14-Years-Old
• Television Networks Ignore Case of Utah Mother Accused of Killing Seven Babies
More Pro-Life News
• Justina Pelletier’s Parents File Emergency Petition With Supreme Court to Regain Custody
• Police Officer Delivers His Own Daughter in His Squad Car While Rushing Wife to Hospital
• Mom Gives Birth in a Coma After Horrific Crash, Wakes Up Three Days Later
• $5 Billion in Tax Subsidies Headed to Obamacare Plans That Fund Abortions
• Amazing New Technology Shows Unborn Twins Jockeying for Space
• 7 Reasons Why the Pro-Life Movement is Winning on Abortion
• If Your Doctor Tells You to Abort Your Baby, Get a New Doctor
• Mom Holds Baby With “God Bless Planned Parenthood” Sign at Pro-Abortion Rally
• “Abortion Desert:” Activist Complains Large Swath of America is Abortion Free
• African-American Pastor Horrified at How Many Black Babies Abortion Kills
• Pakistani Man Arrested for Cannibalism After Eating Body of Dead Newborn Baby
• Colorado Bill Would Declare Fundamental “Right” to Abortion, Prevent Any Pro-Life Legislation
• Abby Johnson’s Ministry Has Helped More Than 100 Abortion Clinic Workers Quit
• Nevada Republican Party Strips Pro-Life Language on Abortion From its Platform
• Young Pregnant Pro-Life Woman Manhandled at Pro-Abortion UN Event
• Assisted Suicide Okay, But Man Arrested for Giving Elderly Wife a Pain Patch
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LifeNews.com Pro-Life News Report
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
For pro-life news updated throughout the day, visit LifeNews.com. |
Current Headlines
Top Stories
• Abortionist Who Twists Off Babies’ Heads in Abortions Hasn’t Been Inspected in Years
• Car With “Co-Exist” Bumper Sticker Runs Over Pro-Life Display
• A Deaf Three-Year-Old Boy Hears His Father Say “I Love You” For The First Time
• Suspect Arrested in Murder of Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselor With Baby On the Way
More Pro-Life News
• United Methodist Church Group Sends $443,750 to Planned Parenthood Abortion Business
• “I Wouldn’t Be Here if Not for Him” Woman’s Unborn Baby Saves Her From Cancer
• “Miracle Baby” Born After Couple Refuses Abortion on Baby Said to be Dying
• Gosnell Movie to Expose “America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer” Reaches $500,000
• This 15-Year-Old is Courageously Taking on Planned Parenthood
• Canadian MP Pushing Motion to Recognize Dignity of Every Human Being, Including Unborn
• Mom Has Baby After Refusing Surgery to Remove Ovarian Cyst: “He’s Our Little Miracle”
• I’ll Never Forget When This Baby Saved From Abortion Came Running Up to Me
• Woman With Multiple Sclerosis Films Herself Every Day As She Teaches Herself To Walk
• Jesus Saved Her From the Brink of Suicide After the Pain of Four Abortions
• Family Cared For Their 20-Year-Old Daughter Stuck In The Body Of A 5-Year-Old
• Notre Dame Asks Court to Reconsider Its Lawsuit Against HHS Mandate
• Rich Out-of-State Group Pushing California to Legalize Assisted Suicide
• Newly-Elected Government in Chile Turns Its Back on Unborn Babies
Abortionist Who Twists Off Babies’ Heads in Abortions Hasn’t Been Inspected in YearsIn response to a Freedom of Information Act request, Operation Rescue has received documents that indicate Douglas Karpen’s Texas Ambulatory Surgical Center in Houston, Texas, has not been inspected since 2010, despite supposed investigations last year into allegations of that Karpen killed babies born alive during failed illegal late-term abortions.
Operation Rescue also received a one-page document that indicated a routine licensing inspection was conducted at Karpen’s second Houston abortion clinic, Aaron Women’s Center, on March 13, 2013. The contents of that report were completely redacted. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/abortionist-who-twists-off-babies-heads-in-abortions-hasnt-been-inspected-in-years/
Car With “Co-Exist” Bumper Sticker Runs Over Pro-Life Display You’ve seen those dark blue and white bumper stickers on the road with religious symbols from all sorts of religions urging people to “coexist.” The idea behind them is to promote some sort of respect for tolerance and diversity and they generally appear to be aimed at Christians.
As Bristol Palin notes in a blog post, that level of open-mindedness apparently doesn’t apply to abortion backers. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/car-with-co-exist-bumper-sticker-runs-over-pro-life-display/
A Deaf Three-Year-Old Boy Hears His Father Say “I Love You” For The First TimeChildren’s physical disabilities are all too often a reason for parents to decide to have an abortion, but sometimes parents choose life and then the miracle of modern technology takes over.
That is the case for a three-year-old boy who is now hearing the world — and his father — for the first time thanks to an auditory brain stem implant. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/a-deaf-three-year-old-boy-hears-his-father-say-i-love-you-for-the-first-time/
Suspect Arrested in Murder of Pro-Life Sidewalk Counselor With Baby On the WayA suspect has been arrested in the case of a shooting death of a pro-life sidewalk counselor in Indianapolis, Indiana whose wife is expected to give birth soon.
Nathan Trapuzzano was a young 24-year-old man who served as a sidewalk counselor at a local abortion clinic in Indiana and had a baby on the way. Tragically, he was murdered in a shooting while out walking his neighborhood. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/suspect-arrested-in-murder-of-pro-life-sidewalk-counselor-with-baby-on-the-way/
United Methodist Church Group Sends $443,750 to Planned Parenthood Abortion Business Methodist Health Care Ministries whose logo claims they are serving humanity to honor God is giving money to the nation’s top abortion provider Planned Parenthood.
Methodist Healthcare Ministries (unitedmethodistchurchMHM) is a private, faith-based, not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing medical, dental and health-related human services to low-income families and the uninsured in South Texas. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/united-methodist-church-group-sends-money-to-planned-parenthood-abortion-business/
“I Wouldn’t Be Here if Not for Him” Woman’s Unborn Baby Saves Her From CancerWe’ve reported these kinds of stories before at LifeNews. A woman becomes pregnant and, because of pregnancy, she discovered cancer or some other medical condition that may very well have gone untreated and potentially claimed her life.
Although doctors sometimes suggest an abortion when a woman battling cancer is pregnant, in the case of Amy Hansen of Fort Collins, Colorado, she firmly believes she owes her life today to her unborn child. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/i-wouldnt-be-here-if-not-for-him-womans-unborn-baby-saves-her-from-cancer/
“Miracle Baby” Born After Couple Refuses Abortion on Baby Said to be DyingThe advice given to Marinda Brits and Norman Holleman was probably given objectively and clinically. A November scan of Ms. Brits at 21 weeks showed a baby boy who was said to be dying because of low amniotic fluids.
But the couple looked beyond the experts’ “advice” to arrange for an abortion and saw something else: a baby they would not give up on. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/miracle-baby-born-after-couple-refuses-abortion-on-baby-said-to-be-dying/
Gosnell Movie to Expose “America’s Most Prolific Serial Killer” Reaches $500,000
With 34 days left to go, the Gosnell movie raised $500,000 of the $2.1 million needed to share the story of America’s “most prolific serial killer.”illfully ignored by the news media and frozen out of mainstream Hollywood, the grizzly tale of Kermit Gosnell’s crimes will only come to life through “crowdfunding.” http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/gosnell-movie-to-expose-americas-most-prolific-serial-killer-reaches-500000/
This 15-Year-Old is Courageously Taking on Planned Parenthood
I think we can all remember what life was like at 15. We spent a lot of time with friends and at school, enjoyed listening to music, maybe played in some sports or had some other hobbies. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/this-15-year-old-is-courageously-taking-on-planned-parenthood/
Canadian MP Pushing Motion to Recognize Dignity of Every Human Being, Including Unborn
Stephen Woodworth, Member of Parliament for Kitchener Centre today announced that he would be seeking unanimous consent in the House of Commons for Motion 476 on Thursday, April 10th at approximately 10:00 AM during Routine Proceedings in the House of Commons. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/canadian-mp-pushing-motion-to-recognize-dignity-of-every-human-being-including-unborn/
Mom Has Baby After Refusing Surgery to Remove Ovarian Cyst: “He’s Our Little Miracle”
Sarah Muukua was told she had an ovarian cyst the size of an orange and that she needed to remove it as it could burst and cause blood poisoning. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/mom-has-baby-after-refusing-surgery-to-remove-ovarian-cyst-hes-our-little-miracle/
I’ll Never Forget When This Baby Saved From Abortion Came Running Up to Me
In the midst of all that our team is fighting for on campuses right now – the right to establish pro-life clubs, hold events and stop taxpayer money from unfairly promoting abortion – it can be hard to keep our eye on the ball. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/ill-never-forget-when-this-baby-saved-from-abortion-came-running-up-to-me/
Woman With Multiple Sclerosis Films Herself Every Day As She Teaches Herself To Walk
The pro-life movement has always concerned itself with caring for the disabled. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/woman-with-multiple-sclerosis-films-herself-everyday-as-she-teaches-herself-to-walk/
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Jesus Saved Her From the Brink of Suicide After the Pain of Four Abortions
Born and raised in rural Alabama, Starr Rogers recalls her small-town upbringing as less than picturesque. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/jesus-saved-her-from-the-brink-of-suicide-after-the-pain-of-four-abortions/
Family Cared For Their 20-Year-Old Daughter Stuck In The Body Of A 5-Year-Old
Brooke Greenberg was 20-years-old, but because of a rare condition which stopped her development, she was forever stuck in the body of a 5-year-old. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/family-cared-for-their-20-year-old-daughter-stuck-in-the-body-of-a-5-year-old/
Notre Dame Asks Court to Reconsider Its Lawsuit Against HHS Mandate
The University of Notre Dame has filed a petition with the U.S. Court of Appeals for a rehearing of its plea for an injunction against the HHS mandate in front of the entire Seventh Circuit, rather than the panel of three judges which earlier denied the plea, according to The Observer. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/notre-dame-asks-court-to-reconsider-its-lawsuit-against-hhs-mandate/
Rich Out-of-State Group Pushing California to Legalize Assisted Suicide
An out-of-state special interest group has once again moved into California seeking to push assisted suicide legislation. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/rich-out-of-state-group-pushing-california-to-legalize-assisted-suicide/
Newly-Elected Government in Chile Turns Its Back on Unborn Babies
There is a truth universally acknowledged that elections have consequences, and earlier this morning that truth was made manifest during national reports at the United Nations 47th Commission on Population and Development (CPD) being held at UN Headquarters in Manhattan. http://www.lifenews.com/2014/04/09/newly-elected-government-in-chile-turns-its-back-on-unborn-babies/
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